Great hikes!
Palmetto State Park
- 6/5/2016
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: 2 hours
Headed here from Austin and decided to do the 3 long trails together. There was a flooded bridge on Mesquite Flats so we had to double back. Enjoyed the swamp trail the most.
Nice path for it's location
Yett Creek Park
- 8/10/2015
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Distance: 2.50 Miles
Duration: 55 minutes
We found this in our new neighborhood. If you drive east on Duval from 183 for a block and turn left on Cow Path until it ends, you can enter the park. We followed along the right side all the way around and it's only about a mile, so we reversed and took some of the inner trails and stretched it out to 2.5. While it's not long, for the area it is in it's a beautiful wooded park with a lot of nice trails. If you go out the west side at Riata there is a lake, too. While normally a park this small wouldn't be noteworthy it has a lot here for the space.
Big Bend - South Rim
- 7/22/2015
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Distance: 12.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
Beautiful day but we got a late start. We were sucking wind climbing up on this overly hot day (unlike last time). We almost got to the rim and we heard a bear growl. Then it started POURING rain for 2 hours. Looking off the rim we could see sun everywhere but we were combatting lightning strikes with no shelter. We kept hiking down fast in the pouring rain and then it cleared up and was intensely hot again. Bad experience but unforgettable adventure.
Government Canyon State Natural Area
- 6/27/2015
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Distance: 2.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
We did the loop with the 2 spurs. VERY hot out. Once we got off the flat trail we didn't see anyone the rest of the way. Good short hike and somewhat shady but tons more trails if you have more time. Worth the trip from Austin.
Old Hancock Trail
- 6/25/2015
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Distance: N/A
Duration: N/A
We drove all the way out from Austin. The parking lot is gated off and I can see the sign that is posted on this site but there is nothing in it anymore. I think the trail is under water. We did the Madrones trail instead.