Almost all of the trails are still there!

Where's the Trail?
Recent rains helped trigger the landslide into the Napa River that took out part of the trail. Walkers can be seen taking the detour on the right.
User: Austin Explorer - 3/19/2017

Location: Trancas Crossing Park

Rating: 3stars
Difficulty: 2stars  Solitude: 2stars
Miles Hiked: 1.52 Miles  Elapsed Time: 52 minutes


The first of several trails Coppertone and I hiked in Napa today.  The paved paths here are all paved and easy to traverse.  An extra benefit is the informational kiosks that provide a bit of information on both the history and natural aspects of the area.

At one point the trail disappeared, having collapsed into the Napa River.  Extensive winter rains have caused widespread numerous fallen trees and landslides, of which this is but one example.  Temporary safety fencing has been placed around the perimeter of the slide as is a mulched path showing the short detour.

Along one segment of the trail an exorbitant number of park boundary signs were lined up about every 20 feet.  The placement seems excessive and unnecessary given the eight foot barbed wire fence a short distance behind the Maginot Line of signs.

Log Photos
Trail View
Where's the Trail?
Smoke on the horizon
Easy Path
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Robert Stone
List Price: $16.95 Your price: $15.26 Buy Now
Day Hikes Around Napa Valley provides the descriptions and directions to access the area's hiking opportunities. Trails can be discovered throughout the valley, across mountain ranges, alongside bays and rivers, and through cool forests. Highlights include steep canyons, secluded redwood forests, the largest freshwater lake in California, a massive petrified forest, rugged rock formations, historical sites, protected wildlife habitats, and expansive ridgetop vistas to the Pacific and San Francisco. A wide range of hikes accommodates amateur to avid hikers, from urban strolls to panoramic peak trails. Also included is comprehensive trail access information for dog owners. A companion guide is Day Hikes Around Sonoma County.